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Divine Designs



The most powerful energy in the garden is found in the Omega Room.

The Omega Room 2007The Omega Room began when I was raking out this area of the garden after we had it plowed in its 3rd year. We were starting to have more gatherings in the gardens and I felt that we needed to have a room that was better suited to activity than the Center Room.

I had a sense of the Omega symbol as I was raking and checked in with Anthony to see what his impression was. Without telling him what I was experiencing, he said that he felt that the shape that was emerging was an Omega symbol. It officially became the Omega Room at that moment.

The room can hold 13-14 people for our "Sunrise Talks in the Garden". The plants that surround the room are some of the big herbal healers and those used in making Flower Essences. We have used a crystal singing bowl in the center to begin and close our talks. However, now we have a small bird bath with rocks from the north shore of our island. We may one day make flower essences in the center. A ground cover is still in the process of coming forth.

An internationally recognized dowser came to the garden and agreed that there was an energy channel from this part of the garden that lines up with Turtleback Mountain, just to the north of us. His rods also indicated that there was a strong sound of B flat running through this part of the garden. He could hear this, too.

Much of what he was describing resonated with what I have been experiencing in the garden. It felt good to hear someone talk so fluently about things that are very difficult to put into words. He made me aware that there is much to learn about the subtle energies of the garden and that as I continue to do my service, more of these things will be revealed to me.

I liked that he emphasized the importance of being clear/conscious of our intention, for it is the vibration that we are putting into the greater field of Light energy from which we are all made and live in. I now ask myself throughout the day, "What vibration am I choosing to put into the Field of Light?".

Here is how the Omega Room has evolved so far. The next step is to plant an Irish moss carpet for a ground cover.

The Beginning of the Omega Room Omega Room  Flower Essence Talk
Omega Room 2006 Omega Room 2007



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© Copyright 2005-2008, Janice and Anthony Richardson
Photography by Anthony Richardson

Website by DoubleRichDesign.com

Last updated: March 21, 2008